We are getting a yurt! This is a custom-designed, wood-paneled, eco-friendly round house. It's built in pieces in Oregon and shipped to us on a semi truck, then we assemble it ourselves (with a little help from friends and family)! The company is Oregon Yurtworks
We're going pretty simple to begin with and getting a single-story, 31-ft diameter yurt. It will have an open-concept kitchen/living/dining room, a bathroom, bedroom, and loft. With the loft it will be about 1000 square feet.
This is what a wood-paneled yurt looks like from the outside:

And a couple interior shots:

Right now we're working on a website for Oregon Yurtworks to help us design our house. It will have all kinds of pictures and plans and details. We'll let you all know when it's up. Until then, wish us luck!
P.S. We realize you've had NO new pictures of Sage in months. We're very sorry about this. We've been very busy. So here are a couple to tide you over and we will post more when we get the chance.

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