Lots goin' on with the Sage-Man these past couple months. After taking a very, shall we say, casual attitude toward the idea of walking, he started taking steps at about 15 1/2 months. Now he's all but given up crawling for the unique thrill of perambulation. But you all come here to see pictures, right? Here ya go!
At the beginning of February we had a spot of very nice weather and so we took Sage to Woodward Park in Fresno.

A couple weeks later the weather turned decidedly different!

Sage has gotten quite adept at building towers! And yes, it was him who put that hippo on top.

With cousins Azriel and Irie at the Chaffee Zoo.

Sage started playing peek-a-boo with the shower curtain during his bath last night, so mommy called to daddy to grab his camera and we ended up with a great bathtime photo shoot!