We've got all kinds of new photos of Sage, and Daddy is to busy to post them. So Mommy's stepping in again. That means no pictures of planes or trains or pretty landscapes this time. If you want more of those you'll have to bug Chris. This entry is purely Sage.
For the last few weeks he is seriously into climbing...climbing the stairs, climbing mom and dad, and climbing anything else around. Open boxes are definitely a favorite.

He also loves making music of any kind!
Mommy saw this horse at the consignment store and couldn't resist! Sage's legs are a little short yet, but he still loves riding it with a little help!
What a great hairdo!
Halloween puppy
And who's the guy in the background with the funny-looking mask?
I told you he was musical!
There's that silly-looking guy again! Where does he keep coming from?

And here's Sage with the sage we planted after he was born.

Eureka! Something Sage will eat! He really liked the tofu feta mom made.
Last weekend we took Sage to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. He thought the fish were soooo cool! His favorites were the jellies, anything with tentacles, like shrimp, the otters, and fish that schooled, like the ones in this picture.
Whoa! Looking at fish is so exhausting!
After the aquarium we took Sage to the beach, thinking he would like to crawl around in the sand before the 3 1/2 hour drive home. Nope. He loved the beach a few months ago, but this time he hated it! He started freaking out if I even acted like I was going to put him down. In this picture he's looking like he thinks the ground is way too close.
So instead of playing in the sand we went flying. That was fun.
Hey, Sage! Shouldn't that sock be on your foot?
Let's see, news...Sage's third tooth popped through the day before yesterday, and his fourth just about to come in as well. Strangely enough, they are not his top front ones. The new tooth is to the right of the as-of-yet absent front right tooth. The one about to come through is next to his bottom front left. He's going to have one crazy smile!
About a month ago Sage started saying his first word (besides mama): "Uhrrrr" or "Buh-uhrrrr" aka "Bird"! He hasn't been saying it much lately, as the giant vultures who used to hang out in our tree (and who inspired the word) have mysteriously dissappeared. But he said it last weekend when we were in the aquarium aviary.
In exactly 15 days Sage will be one! Woo hoo!
That's all for now, folks!