Well we are all doing ok. I had a cold for the longest time and thought my nose would never stop running. But, it did. Very happy about that.
My work is going ok. The company I work at has decided to branch out into web design, and I'm more than happy to be taking the helm of that. I've completed my web masterpiece, which is a website for the magazine that my workplace puts out once a month. It's at www.HomeAndRanchMag.com, which has real estate listings. It's all PHP driven (learned the language from scratch to build this site!)
Here's where I work!

One part of my job that I really like is that for 2 days per month, I get to go and shoot photographs for the magazine. I get a list of properties in Fresno to photograph, and I just drive around the city snapping them. Unfortunately Fresno is not known as one of the safest cities in California, so I do take some precautions. As far as firing a gun goes, I know it's an American tradition, but I haven't yet done it. About half a dozen people have offered to take me to a shooting range or just some empty area to try it, but I haven't folded yet. I always joke around...hey I'm Canadian...I don't know what to use a gun for other than to hold up a 7-11!
Sage is growing well, and is now somewhere around 18 1/2 pounds. What a bruiser! He can now flip from his back to his front, and can crawl somewhat using a combination of kicking his big chunky legs and planting his face into the ground. Believe it or not, it does move him a quarter inch each time he does this.

Anyway, of the 31 days of March, it rained on 25 of them. The land all around out house and neighbourhood is now blooming with wild flowers, lupins and wildgrass because of it. Mind you, when all the rain stops, for the most part it won't be back until November. Most of the year in this area the vegetation is all brown and dead...one of the reasons why there is such a forest fire risk up here.
So what have we been up to...a month ago we all drove down to Los Angeles to visit with Amy's best friend Jessica. We visited with her and her boyfriend Peter, and also had lunch with Jessica's sister Stephanie. We hung out for awhile at the Santa Monica Beach, but not long because it was really cold that day. And when I say really cold I mean 12 degrees and windy. Not bad for early March by Canuck standards.
Here are Amy and Jessica and Sage!

Speaking of Canuck standards I really miss walnut chocolate crullers at Coffee Time.
But back to the story, what trip to Los Angeles would be complete without a trip to Los Angeles Airport! Got some photographs that I've wanted for a long time, including Qantas' bright red 'Wunala Dreaming' 747.

And we're making plans a month from now to head up and visit Amy's brother and father in Vancouver, Washington (right across the river from Portland Oregon.) We were going to drive it (about 13 hours nonstop) but we found a really cheap flight to Portland from Sacramento, so we'll drive to Sacramento (3.5 hours) and then hop on a plane for the rest of the journey. The coolest part? Sage's first flight will be on a CANADIAN MADE AIRCRAFT, the Bombardier Q400...the stretched version of the famous Dash 8. Coming back will also be in a Canadian plane, the Canadair CRJ-700 Regional Jet. Funny, we didn't plan it that way, but I'm not arguing.
Speaking of planes, on Saturday, the 15th, Amy and I celebrated 6 years since my plane crash. We went out for lunch and I drank a really big margarita and got a massive piece of chocolate cake. They don't signify anything, but I got to act like I was all emotional and traumatized by the anniversary to get whatever I wanted that day.
And without further ado, here are some more images of the Sageman for your viewing interest!
He's getting used to the potty!
What's up Doc?

Sage sleeping on one of our walks

That's about it for now, until next time, umm, well just keep out of trouble. Or don't.