Presenting...Sage Patrick Wilde-McDowell, a young Sagitarius born on Thursday, November 24th, 2005 at 3:21pm PT. Now we'll look at the meaning of the day he was born. It was American Thanksgiving day in the California foothills...but more importantly, Burrito Night (every Thursday at our house). We didn't end up having burritos that night, but we did roll Sage into a tight swaddling cloth to kind of resemble a burrito. He shares a birthday with the actor who played 'Howling Mad' Murdoch on the A-Team, Scottish comedian Billy Connolly, 12th president of the United States Zachary Taylor, & serial killer Ted Bundy!
An excerpt from our e-mailed birth announcement:
I can honestly say that this was the most amazing day of our lives. Amy woke up with several strong contractions in a row at about 1:30am. By 2:30 the contractions were having a sharp edge to them and the mucous plug which holds the baby in came out into the toilet...labour had begun. Her water then broke at 3:45.
It was a long morning as the baby was unfortunately positioned posterior in the womb (head down, but facing the wrong way for an easy birth). The result was a longer labour with much back pain. Finally, at 2:35pm, Amy felt the first urge to push and we got into bed, her on her hands and knees, pushing with every contraction. At 3:15 we could see the head with a little hand waving hello along side it, and at 3:21, the baby popped out into his father's hands. What an unbelievable moment that was. He immediately began coughing and within 20 seconds of being born let out a peircing cry to announce his arrival. For the longest time we both lay there in bed crying and laughing and looking at him.
He was born one and a half weeks earlier than his due date, and weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and measured 19.5 inches from head to foot.
He's healthy, active, nursing well, has 10 fingers and 10 toes, is unfortunately still working out mucous from his stomach, and loves attention, sleep, head rubs, and wearing clothes (you should hear how he cries when we change his diaper!)
His first name is one we really like, the meaning being 'a very wise man.' We had the hardest time coming up with his middle name, but finally decided on Patrick as it's a name we really like and is all Irish-like (you know us and our Irish thing).
So now without further ado are some pictures. A note to all you scrapbookers out there, we have the full-resolution digital photos to all these (and all photos posted on my blog as well) if you'd like to get copies made. You don't have to though. Only if you want to.
We'll have much more on our little Sage as time goes on, so until then, do as Sage does...sleep, drool, eat & poop and you'll be just as healthy and happy as he is.
We'll have much more on our little Sage as time goes on, so until then, do as Sage does...sleep, drool, eat & poop and you'll be just as healthy and happy as he is.
3 hours after Sage's birth. Note the tired mommy!